
Next committee meeting: Monday 21st October at 7.30

The Committee was appointed at the AGM on 4th June 2024

Chairman:  Tim Reekie  chair@gosportcc

Vice chairman:  Jim Carlin  vc@gosportcc

Secretary:  Chrissie O'Neill  secretary@gosportcc

Treasurer:  Jim Carlin  ​treasurer@gosportcc

SCPF Representative:  Jon Mitchell  scpf.rep@gosportcc

Competition Secretary:  Barry Walters comp.sec@gosportcc

 for PDI competition entriescompetitions@gosportcc

Programme Secretary:  Jon Mitchell  programme.sec@gosportcc

Exhibition Secretary:  to be shared between committee members

​Members' Representative:  Sandra Newman members.rep@gosportcc

Web Master:  Linda Hall webmaster@gosportcc